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Do you shoot film or digital?

 I shoot 100% digital for all sessions. But I am starting to incorporate film into each session that I shoot.


Who is your second shooter?

My second shooter will always be a photographer that I know and trust. Who has a very similiar creative eye as me and who is of course a pretty awesome person


How many images will I recieve for each session?

Portraits: Min of 25

Weddings: Min of 200

But this also varies based time, details, size and how many people I am shooting


How long will it take to recieve my images?

Portraits: 2-3 weeks

Weddings: 4-6 weeks


What is your payment policy?

There is a 50% retainer as well as a signed contract needed to confirm commitment and to reserve your special day. The final 50% is due 10 days before your wedding or portrait session.


If you have any more questions feel free to email me! I am here for you and email is the fastest way to get a hold of me!

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